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Religious Education

At St Maxentius we learn about the different religious and non-religious beliefs of others whilst developing our own personal knowledge and understanding to help us live within loving, tolerant and inclusive communities now and beyond pupils school years.

Our RE teaching and learning reflects the ever-changing world we live in. The RE subject lead ensures current thinking in RE is shared with staff to ensure learning in RE is effective and supports children’s wider development.

Skills taught in RE including how we learn and acquire knowledge, how we ask and address life’s big questions, debating and how children disagree well;  and teaching pupils to be inquisitive and thoughtful learners, can be applied by children across the wider curriculum, in their lives now and will support them into their futures.


Following our Christian values, children are provided with the opportunities to develop both compassion and a sense of injustice as they learn about the world around them and society. They are taught to be courageous advocates of change within our ever changing-world.

Love for our neighbour is developed through educating about world faiths and the views of others within safe learning environments. Personal knowledge is welcomed and developed within broad and effective teaching and learning opportunities.

Alongside children knowing more and remembering more in RE, spiritual understanding is developed to ensure children know more about themselves, others and about beliefs about God.


Click below to see our school long term RE overview, following the Diocese of Manchester RE Syllabus:

Units of Study

Religious Education at St. Maxentius encompasses much more than just religious education. We learn about religions of the world, world views and issues, cultural awareness and much more to ensure our pupils are taught to respect and understand the beliefs of others and fully prepare them for life in the multicultural society we live in.

We will continue to work together as a school family to show love, care, concern and respect for others in our school, local, national and global community.

As a Church School, Religious Education (RE) holds a special place in the curriculum at St Maxentius as it allows our children to think about the ‘big questions’ in life. Our RE curriculum is based upon the 'Manchester Diocese Syllabus for RE'. During their time at St Maxentius, our children explore:

  • Christianity, using the Church of England’s Understanding Christianity materials

  • Islam

  • Hinduism

  • Judaism


The links below will take you to each Key Stage's Units of Study. These share more details about the learning of RE at St Maxentius:

Progression and Assessment

Please see further information below relating the progression of the RE curriculum at St Maxentius, as well as the criteria to which children are assessed in their RE learning:



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